Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Week 3 Lecture
Unfortunately I missed this week’s lecture, due to the Ekka Wednesday public holiday, something us Queenslanders are proud of. I’m happy to say that I didn’t mind missing the lecture for some Ekka day horse racing, which I enjoyed quite a lot!
What I did happen to miss was an interesting lecture about Cine-Speak, the Language of the Cinema. I was fortunate to understand a lot of this doing around about 8 years of acting.
I did how ever learn how the camera can deliver a message through the position it holds, without words or music backing it up. Example, stressing about the question when to go, the camera can get a shot of the clock into view.

The slides went through camera views answering the possible questions going through an audiences mind, for example, who, what, when, how, why and where. The next interesting thing was the proportions of head room an actor should receive in order to have the correct and suitable head room, and talking room, All of this using proportions in thirds and to the correct degree (e.g.180). The lecture slides finished up with an explanation of inserts and cutaways, and the conclusion that every shot needs to drive the narrating. Without this valuable information, most of the greatly loved films and advertisements would be quite boring.

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