Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 5 Lecture

Week 5 Lecture Notes!

Media? New Media? Social Media?

I didn’t want to explain or interpret some of these, so I’ve copied and pasted them.

Technology – “… is the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application”.

Media – When technology is used for social and cultural communication. TV!!! Yay!!

Virtual Community – “… when people carry on public discussion long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationship”. (H. Rheingold, 1993, The Virtual Community) This can get nasty though…just ask ACA or TT, joking, never EVER ask them about anything.

Individual Identity – “Its virtual reality, we self fashion and self-create”. (Turkle, 1995, Life on the Screen).

Turkle also stated that people often turned to the Internet to meet others with similar interests, as I’ve said in my earlier posts, THIS IS NOT SANE or healthy.

Web 2.0. – Created by Tim O’Reilley and friends after the 2000 crash. They created key technologies to do with the creation of web services with importance on the user’s experience. Its features…

Folksonomy -> “tags” on posts

The idea of user-generated content, e.g. putting photos, videos and text on the Internet

Open API -> sharing data openly between services on the Internet.

The Read-Write Web

So what I’m picking up here is that Community was a big idea and theme running here.

Summarising Social Media, it involves, Web blogs, Social Networking Services, and content Sharing communities.

Makes you wonder who owns the internet, and who owns the pictures that you post up… well I believe if you put it on the net your also giving away your ownership, and you’ll find on websites where you post anything, wither it be text, photo or video, there are terms and conditions in veryyy small print.

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