Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 7 lecture

Week 7 Lecture

Community- Collaboration – Choice

Creative Commons

-A non profit organisation founded in 2001 (with the first version out in 2002), and what they do is create available standard licenses to enable creators to be more flexible, aka, “some rights reserved” instead of “all rights reserved”. Its marking the creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to hold! Also more freely available content! Check it out! ->

Free Culture/Open Source

- Freedom to run a program for any reason

- Adapt software to your needs

- Redistribute copies

- Freedom to improve and release improvements to the public

GNU licenses was a legal document that controls what you can and can’t do with Free Software

Proprietary Software

- Source code remains confidential

- Software developed mainly in-house

- Business model is selling finished software packages

- Traditional software production

Free Software

- Source code free

- Anyone can use it under limited rights license

- Goals set by community

- Business model is supporting services supporting the software!

Property Software vs. Free Software


Apple and Windows Vista vs. Firefox

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