Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week 6 Lecture

Week 6 Lecture

Loved this lecture, mainly because we spoke about the videos that producers and consumers are creating now days. Ok, that didn’t really make sense, to put it more simply, we are consumers, we generally watch professionally created, produced and edited content from traditional media producers. I’m more of a “fat” consumer.

Producers use the “big” screens of life such as…

  1. - Cinema (shared with public)
  2. - TV(shared privately)
  3. - PC (personal or shared)

and the “small screens” include…

  1. - Personal Media players (mP3, iPods)
  2. - Mobile Phones & SmartPhones (iPhones)

Later on in the lecture we were showed which is a great website full of videos made by consumer/producers. Great inspiration for our own videos!

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